Tiger FC fans to pitch their way to the UK

IMG_14Tiger FC did not disappoint when it said it had something epic to reveal to its fans at their second Big Away Game yesterday. Prior to the event, the footie fan club hinted that the news will present “something epic and something football aficionados will definitely cheer for”. Well, cheer they did.


Tiger Girls

Called The Real Pitch, the contest requires fans to pitch to Tiger FC why they should be the chosen one for the all-expense paid, once-in-a-lifetime trip to the United Kingdom. The grand prize rewards fans with a 5D/4N trip to London with one stadium match, and a pub match viewing experience.

IMG_2Tiger Beer marketing manager Tai See Wai says, “There’s no denying that our fans here enjoy watching football as much as the next Brit. But the atmosphere here is so different from being in the thick of things, where the fans in the UK are at one with the players and fellow fans while Malaysian fans are so far removed from that ambiance.

IMG_3“As such, we’d like to give our fans a first-hand experience at a true football viewing experience to be surrounded in the energy and be among UK supporters through The Real Pitch. It’s time to reward them with a gift that extends beyond the screenings. We look forward to seeing how fans will ‘Uncage Their Passion’ for football in this contest.”

IMG_7Fans in attendance got an exclusive first look at the contest promotional video made by famous Malaysian YouTuber Joseph Germani, who was also present at the event. They were also given the opportunity to be a part of the first batch of entries.

IMG_4Fans have from today until on January 2nd, 2015 to pitch their entries to Tiger FC. All they need to do is create a 15-seconds video on how they would “UNCAGE THEIR PASSION FOR FOOTBALL” via Instagram and submit it by tagging @TigerBeerMy with the hashtags #TigerFC, #TheRealPitch and #UncageYourPassion. All properly tagged entries are linked automatically to Tiger FC’s The Real Pitch Facebook Tab on its Facebook page. Fans can also share their entries from the tab’s gallery, and challenge their friends to submit an entry themselves.  A winner will be announced within a week from end of contest.

For more information on The Real Pitch, watch Germani’s video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDJKdJUFCYUor visit The Real Pitch tab on Tiger Beer’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/tigerbeermy today.

IMG_5昨天,当Tiger FC表示将会在其第二场Big Away Game为粉丝们带来非同凡响的体验时,真的没有令他们失望。在观赛派对前,这个著名球迷俱乐部曾向粉丝们暗示,这项消息绝对是“非同凡响,更会令一众足球爱好者欢呼喝彩”。事实上,他们确实欢呼喝彩了。

IMG_6Tiger FC推出的全新竞赛名为The Real Pitch,为球迷带来千载难逢、费用全包的英国足球朝圣之旅。参赛球迷必须通过创意视频说服大家,他们就是巨奖的真名天子。巨奖是5天4夜的伦敦之旅,包括前往体育馆观赏一场精彩球赛,并获得在当地酒吧观赛的体验。

IMG_7Tiger Beer市场经理戴士伟说:“无可否认,这里的球迷和英国球迷一样热爱观看足球比赛。不过,人在现场的感觉是绝对不一样的。英国的球迷和球场上的球员以及场内的所有球迷融为一体;远在马来西亚的球迷们实难以感受到那种炽热气氛。”

IMG_8 “因此,我们希望我们的球迷能通过参加The Real Pitch,获得真正的足球观赏体验,与英国球迷同场呐喊助威,置身于球赛释出的无穷能量当中。是时候为他们带来超越荧幕的好礼了!我们期待看到球迷是如何在竞赛中施展浑身解数,全然‘释放他们对足球的激情’”。

IMG_9出席的球迷优先观赏由马来西亚YouTube名人Joseph Germani 制作的竞赛宣传短片;而后者更现身推介礼。他们也获得机会成为第一批参加者。

粉丝们从今天起直至2015年1月2日可以向Tiger FC提交参赛作品。他们只需要创作一个15秒的视频,表现他们将如何通过Instagram“释放他们对足球的激情”,并通过标签 @TigerBeerMy,主题标签#TigerFC, #TheRealPitch和#UncageYourPassion,提交即可。所有正确标签的参赛作品将被自动链接回Tiger FC面子书的The Real Pitch面子书页签。粉丝们也可从该页签的图像库分享他们的参赛作品,和挑战他们的朋友们参赛。比赛结束后一周内将公布得奖者。

IMG_10欲知The Real Pitch的详情,可透过https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDJKdJUFCYU观赏Joseph Germani的视频,或参访Tiger 面子书www.facebook.com/tigerbeermy的The Real Pitch页签。IMG_11 IMG_12 IMG_13

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