J.C. Jacobsen Foundation to Champion Philanthropy in Founder’s Spirit

 (Left to right) Professor Flemming Besenbacher, the Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation and the Supervisory Board of Carlsberg A/S, Dato’ Lim Say Chong, Chairman of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation and Carlsberg Malaysia, Christopher Warmoth, Carlsberg Group Senior Vice President of Asia and Henrik Juel Andersen, Managing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia displaying the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation logo at the Foundation's launch.

(Left to right) Professor Flemming Besenbacher, the Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation and the Supervisory Board of Carlsberg A/S, Dato’ Lim Say Chong, Chairman of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation and Carlsberg Malaysia, Christopher Warmoth, Carlsberg Group Senior Vice President of Asia and Henrik Juel Andersen, Managing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia displaying the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation logo at the Foundation’s launch.

SHAH ALAM, June 16, 2014 – Carlsberg Malaysia begins a new chapter in philanthropy with the launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation (“Foundation”) in Malaysia, also Carlsberg Group’s first foundation of its kind to be established in Asia.

Set up and managed independently from the brewery in Malaysia, the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation will champion local philanthropic efforts by raising funds that can further contribute to the betterment of Malaysian society through just and sustainable solutions.

All funds generated by the Foundation’s activities will be channelled to support three pillars, namely education, sports and environment. The launch event raised funds amounting to more than RM400,000, of which RM300,000 was channelled towards   18 schools and homes under the Foundation’s education pillar, and to the Olympic Council of Malaysia, Paralympic Council of Malaysia and Malaysia Federation of Wushu, Negeri Sembilan as part of its sports pillar. Beneficiaries under the environmental pillar on the night included Do Something Good, Hati Malaysia and Community Recycle for Charity (CRC).

More than 800 customers, business associates, friends, beneficiaries and media attended the event, which was graced by guest of honour His Excellency Mr. Nicolai Ruge, Danish Ambassador to Malaysia. He was joined by Professor Flemming Besenbacher, the Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation and the Supervisory Board of Carlsberg A/S who flew in from Denmark to officially launch the new Foundation alongside Carlsberg Group Senior Vice President of Asia, Christopher Warmoth.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated and channeled RM180,000 in funds towards its education pillar and benefited 18 schools and homes.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated and channeled RM180,000 in funds towards its education pillar and benefited 18 schools and homes.

The evening also saw the introduction of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Chaired by Dato’ Lim Say Chong, also Chairman of Carlsberg Malaysia. The Foundation’s other trustees comprise Tunku Tan Sri Imran ibni al-Marhum Tuanku Ja’afar al-Haj, Dato’ N. Sadasivan, Dato’ Larry Gan Nyap Liou and Henrik Juel Andersen, Managing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia.

Speaking at the launch, Foundation Chairman Dato’ Lim said: “This is a milestone moment for us in Malaysia as we carry on the vision of Carlsberg’s founder by enhancing the quality of life of Malaysians. We like to think of the Foundation’s work as an investment in the shared future of our nation”.

“As it will be managed independently from the business operations of Carlsberg Malaysia, the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation will enable us to expand our reach and we look forward to raising the bar and making a greater contribution to a larger segment of society in Malaysia moving forward,” he shared.

“The Foundation’s mission is to collaborate with both existing and new charitable organisations as we believe that partnerships and working together will make an even greater difference. We hope the Foundation’s tagline, ‘Let’s brew a better, greener future’ will inspire us to go beyond and help shape the community and the environment,” he elaborated.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM75,000 in funds under its sports pillar, benefiting athletes from the Olympic Counsel of Malaysia, Paralympic Counsel of Malaysia and Chin Woo Athlete Association.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM75,000 in funds under its sports pillar, benefiting athletes from the Olympic Counsel of Malaysia, Paralympic Counsel of Malaysia and Chin Woo Athlete Association.

Henrik Juel Andersen, Managing Director of Carlsberg Malaysia and fellow Foundation board member added, “Carlsberg Malaysia has a long history of contributing to social advancement via our CSR activities. For example, our Top Ten Charity Campaign has contributed more than RM400 million to the advancement of Malaysian education. We set up the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation in order to reach out to those Malaysians who would be better served by the institutional support of a foundation and hope to serve the public good in a way which would make Jacobsen proud.”

Professor Flemming Besenbacher, Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation, commented: “It is a great honour to have the Foundation in Malaysia, which is also the first in Asia, named after J.C. Jacobsen in homage to a man who truly embodied ‘public spirit’. As the latest in a well-established line-up of foundations associated with the Carlsberg Group, the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation follows in the prestigious footsteps of these other foundations which include the Carlsberg Foundation, New Carlsberg Foundation, Tuborg Foundation and Kronenbourg Foundation. They have made tremendous advances in the fields of science, art, culture, sports, and education for the advancement of society and in the name of philanthropy across the globe.”


Guests at the launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation were entertained by the musical stylings of renowned local violinist Dr. Joanne Yeoh.

Guests at the launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation were entertained by the musical stylings of renowned local violinist Dr. Joanne Yeoh.

Guests were entertained by the musical stylings of renowned local violinist Dr. Joanne Yeoh and marvelled at the swift work of speed artist Vinn Pang, who painted the portrait of founder J.C. Jacobsen which was later transformed into the new Foundation’s logo in mere minutes. The choir club comprising 30 students from SJK (C) Sentul, Kuala Lumpur mesmerized the audience by delivering an impressive vocal performance.

Three OCM athletesHo Ro Bin, Chai Fong Yeng and R. Purvaneswaran and two former Paralympians Lee Sheng Chow and Mariappan a/l Perumal, present to receive cash sponsorships under sports pillar, also spoke of the far-reaching impact which foundations have had on their careers in the past. A stomp performance with recycled Carlsberg packaging materials provided a fitting finale to the entertainment, while, at the same time, reflecting the goals of the Foundation’s environment pillar.


The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM75,000 in funds under its sports pillar, benefiting athletes from the Olympic Counsel of Malaysia, Paralympic Counsel of Malaysia and Chin Woo Athlete Association.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM75,000 in funds under its sports pillar, benefiting athletes from the Olympic Counsel of Malaysia, Paralympic Counsel of Malaysia and Chin Woo Athlete Association.

J.C. Jacobsen 基金会发扬创办人精神



莎亚南16日讯  马来西亚Carlsberg集团继J.C. Jacobsen基金会的开幕,在公益事业上掀开新的篇章。这也是Carlsberg集团在亚洲区首个设立的公益基金会。该基金会与马来西亚Carlsberg集团的成立及管理将属个别独立机构,而J.C. Jacobsen基金会将透过合适及持久的方法筹募款项造福马来西亚社会,以行动支持本地公益活动。

基金会举办活动所筹得款项将作为三个主要领域的用途,其中包括教育发展、体育发展及环境保护发展。在开幕礼上,基金会成功筹得超过40万令吉的善款,其中30万令吉已捐至基金会教育发展项目旗下的18所学校及慈善之家、而体育发展项目下受惠的有马来西亚奥林匹克理事会、马来西亚残疾人奥林匹克委员会及森美兰武术总会,而基金会环境保护发展项目的受惠机构有Do Something Good 志工网络、Hati组织及Community Recycle for Charity (CRC) 组织。

超过800位顾客、生意伙伴、朋友、受惠单位及媒体朋友出席当晚的活动,而丹麦驻马大使His Excellency Mr. Nicolai Ruge的莅临也为活动增添声色。丹麦Carlsberg 基金兼Carlsberg 集团监事会主席 Flemming Besenbacher博士也特从丹麦前来主持开幕,同行的还有亚洲区Carlsberg 集团高级副董事长 Christopher Warmoth先生。

是日傍晚,主办单位也向外界首都介绍了该基金会的信托理事会。信托理事会主席由拿督林世宗担任,其他信托理事包括敦姑丹斯里Imran ibni al-Marhum Tuanku Ja’afar al-Haj、拿督N. Sadasivan、拿督颜业流及皇德生先生。

基金会主席拿督林世宗在活动上表示:“ 这是我们在马来西亚的一个重要的里程碑,我们秉持 Carlsberg创办人愿景,即在机构性的层面上不断提升马来西亚人民的生活素质。我们喜于把基金会的工作视为对国家未来的投资。由于马来西亚Carlsberg 集团的业务与基金会的事务属个别独立管理机制,因此我们将有更多的机会可旷大到其他的领域,同时我们也期盼能更上一层楼,持续为更多的马来西亚社区,作出更大的贡献。”



The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM45,000 in funds for its environmental pillar, benefiting partner programmes Do Something Good, HATI Malaysia and CRC Recycling Charity.

The launch of the J.C. Jacobsen Foundation generated RM45,000 in funds for its environmental pillar, benefiting partner programmes Do Something Good, HATI Malaysia and CRC Recycling Charity.

马来西亚 Carlsberg集团董事经理兼基金会董事成员皇德生先生表示:“马来西亚 Carlsberg集团在透过企业社会责任活动提升并改善社会方面享有悠长历史,譬如我们的《十大义演》就总共筹获了超过4亿令吉作为教育用途。我们成立J.C. Jacobsen 基金会的目的是为了要透过该基金的机构更完整的支持并服务马来西亚人民,同时也期盼可造福大众,创下连我们的创办人J.C. Jacobsen也会为此感到骄傲的成就。”


丹麦Carlsberg 基金主席Flemming Besenbacher博士说:" Carlsberg集团创办人,J.C.Jacobsen是一个真正体现‘大众精神’的人物,我们可以在马来西亚以他的名字命名成立基金会,而且是亚洲区首创的Carlsberg旗下基金会,是一件无比光荣的事情。作为 Carlsberg集团最新成立的基金会,J.C. Jacobsen 基金会将跟随其他集团旗下基金会如Carlsberg 基金、新Carlsberg 基金、 Tuborg 基金及Kronenbourg 基金的步伐,在全球秉持公益精神,踊跃为科学、艺术、文化、体育及教育领域作出巨大的贡献。”

当天宾客们也有幸欣赏由本地著名小提琴演奏者杨佩丝( Dr. Joanne Yeoh)的表演,同时也惊叹于速画家彭靖雯(Vinn Pang) 挥洒自如的画工。她于现场迅速完成了J.C. Jacobsen的画像,随后大会瞬间把画作转换成为基金会的标志。来自吉隆坡冼都华文小学的30名合唱团成员也在大会上呈献了令人赞叹的歌唱表演,让现场观众陶醉其中。该华文小学也是基金会的教育发展项目受惠者之一。


三位马来西亚奥林匹克理事会运动员何若宾、蔡奉芸及R. Purvaneswaran 和两位前残疾奥林匹克运动员李成就及Mariappan a/l Perumal也出席该活动接受基金会旗下体育发展项目的现金赞助,同时也上台说明了各基金会对他们过去事业领域的影响。推介礼最后也废物利用,借助各类的Carlsberg包装容器以一场象征基金会环保发展项目而且惊心动魄的乱打表演作为该慈善晚宴的结束。

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