Tiger FC is brewing something epic and something football aficionados will definitely cheer for. So trust us when we say, you would want to be there at Tiger FC’s next Big Away Game this Sunday (Dec 14) when the footie fan club reveals the surprise it has been developing especially for its fans. Discover what the big news is at Tiger FC’s second football screening for the season at Laundry Bar, The Curve at 7pm.
Tai See Wai, Tiger Beer marketing manager hints that it is an initiative hardcore football fans will appreciate. “We are certain that Tiger FC fans are aware that we’ve always been big on rewarding them, and only with the best. We assure them once again that what’s in store for them is something they would never see coming. It extends beyond the screening, it is unquestionably epic, and no, it’s not a new brew. They will have to attend the coming Big Away Game to find out more. It’s definitely going to be worth their while.”
The upcoming initiative is in line with Tiger FC’s continuous efforts in bringing its fans game-changing experiences. During its last Big Away Game on Sept 27 at Souled Out, Desa Sri Hartamas, Tiger FC upgraded its conventional football match analysis by sponsoring an innovative digital platform named, Gameday. The mobile web application that operates from any web browser validates how Tiger FC is always at the forefront of advanced technology when it comes to intensifying fans experience. Gameday rewards participants via a simple scoring system when they correctly predict match outcome and answer intermittent football related trivia. Once again, Tiger FC will be rewarding players with premiums including a smartphone, flat screen TV and tablet.
Footie fans who missed the last event, can experience Gameday at this Sunday’s match. Selfie-taking loving fans can also test out a slightly tweaked photo booth, called the Cheer Booth. As its name indicates, the camera will only snap a picture when fans cheer loud enough to activate the shutter. The Wi-Fi enabled booth allows participants to log-in with their Facebook account to share the picture on their timeline. Fans will also get a printout copy as a keepsake.
Mobile game enthusiasts, who have not tested out Trick Shot Pro — Tiger FC’s second mobile game — will be given the opportunity to give it a shot at the event on Sunday. And like its predecessor Balance Pro, Trick Shot Pro’s Top 10 scorers will also receive a voucher for a bucket of Tiger Beer. The only catch is they are required to bring along three friends or more. All 10 players will win exclusive merchandise from Tiger FC, while the top scorer gets a premium grand prize.
In addition to the Big Away Games, Tiger FC has also made it easier for fans to catch live matches by doubling the number of clubhouses this season. Located across the Klang Valley, northern and southern regions, these clubhouses are ready to play host to all matches, screening approximately 200 matches collectively. To find one near you or for updates on the next Big Away game, visit www.facebook.com/tigerbeer
Tiger FC 正在酝酿超酷活动,肯定令足球迷惊喜万分。我国首屈一指球迷俱乐部特为球迷精心制作的超酷活动,将于星期日(12月14日)引爆的另一个 Tiger FC Big Away Game 中揭示,务必赴会,万勿错过。请别忘了晚上7时在 The Curve 的 Laundry Bar举行的 Tiger FC 第二个足球观赏派对,发现轰动全城的惊喜。<0}
{0>Tai See Wai, Tiger Beer marketing manager hints that it is an initiative hardcore football fans will appreciate. “We are certain that Tiger FC fans are aware that we’ve always been big on rewarding them, and only with the best. We assure them once again that what’s in store for them is something they would never see coming. It extends beyond the screening, it is unquestionably epic, and no, it’s not a new brew. They will have to attend the coming Big Away Game to find out more. It’s definitely going to be worth their while.”<}0{>Tiger Beer 市场营销经理戴士伟表示这个活动肯定会令忠实球迷喜出望外,他说:“Tiger FC 支持者都知道,我们向来厚待球迷,并且只提供最酷的奖励给球迷。我敢保证,我们将再次带来他们意想不到的活动。它超越观赏球赛,它绝对是超酷活动。当然,它也不是新推出的佳酿。球迷朋友唯有出席即将举行的 Big Away Game,才能体会其中奥妙。这是千载难逢的机会,此行绝对值得。”<0}
{0>The upcoming initiative is in line with Tiger FC’s continuous efforts in bringing its fans game-changing experiences. During its last Big Away Game on Sept 27 at Souled Out, Desa Sri Hartamas, Tiger FC upgraded its conventional football match analysis by sponsoring an innovative digital platform named, Gameday. The mobile web application that operates from any web browser validates how Tiger FC is always at the forefront of advanced technology when it comes to intensifying fans experience. Gameday rewards participants via a simple scoring system when they correctly predict match outcome and answer intermittent football related trivia. Once again, Tiger FC will be rewarding players with premiums including a smartphone, flat screen TV and tablet.<}0{>这项活动是配合 Tiger FC致力为球迷带来改变游戏规则的体验。在上一个于 9 月 27 日在 Desa Sri Hartamas的 Souled Out举行的 Big Away Game 中,Tiger FC 已推出改变游戏规则并提升传统玩法的数码化平台 Gameday,让球迷分析及预测比赛结果。这款可在任何网页浏览器使用的手机网页应用程序,再次证明Tiger FC 总不断引进创新技术,致力提升球迷的足球体验。Gameday 以简单积分系统奖励参加者,准确预测赛果和答对间中足球常识问题的球迷可获得丰富奖品。贯彻厚待球迷的作风,Tiger FC 再次以丰富奖品奖励 Gameday 玩家,其中包括平面电视机、智能手机和平板电脑。<0}
{0>Footie fans who missed the last event, can experience Gameday at this Sunday’s match. Selfie-taking loving fans can also test out a slightly tweaked photo booth, called the Cheer Booth. As its name indicates, the camera will only snap a picture when fans cheer loud enough to activate the shutter. The Wi-Fi enabled booth allows participants to log-in with their Facebook account to share the picture on their timeline. Fans will also get a printout copy as a keepsake.<}81{>错过上一个活动的球迷,可在这个星期日的比赛体验 Gameday。喜欢自拍的球迷也可在非一般的欢乐照相亭 Cheer Booth,享受自拍的乐趣。诚如其名,球迷的欢呼声量必须够大,才能启动安装在欢乐照相亭 Cheer Booth的相机以拍摄照片。然后通过 Cheer Booth的 Wi-Fi 功能登录面子书在时间线上分享照片。球迷们也可打印照片带回家作纪念品。<0}
{0>Mobile game enthusiasts, who have not tested out Trick Shot Pro — Tiger FC’s second mobile game — will be given the opportunity to give it a shot at the event on Sunday. And like its predecessor Balance Pro, Trick Shot Pro’s Top 10 scorers will also receive a voucher for a bucket of Tiger Beer. The only catch is they are required to bring along three friends or more. All 10 players will win exclusive merchandise from Tiger FC, while the top scorer gets a premium grand prize.<}0{>爱好手机游戏的球迷如果还未玩 Tiger FC 的第二款手机游戏 Trick Shot Pro,可在这个星期日的活动中挑战这个游戏。与它的上一代游戏 Balance Pro一样,Trick Shot Pro的前十名得分最高者将获得一桶 Tiger Beer 的优惠券。唯一条件是他们必须携带三位或更多好友齐来参加。全部十位玩家将赢取 Tiger FC的独家商品,而得分最高者将获得丰富巨奖。<0}
{0>In addition to the Big Away Games, Tiger FC has also made it easier for fans to catch live matches by doubling the number of clubhouses this season. Located across the Klang Valley, northern and southern regions, these clubhouses are ready to play host to all matches, screening approximately 200 matches collectively. To find one near you or for updates on the next Big Away game, visit www.facebook.com/tigerbeer<}90{>除了 Big Away Games,Tiger FC 也在本赛季将俱乐部的数量增加两倍,旨在让球迷更容易的观赏到直播比赛。遍布在巴生谷、北马和南马一带,这些俱乐部将举办所有比赛的观赏活动,播放超过 200 场比赛。欲知你邻近或下一个 Big Away game 的更新资讯,请浏览www.facebook.com/tigerbeer