37 Conversation Rules for Gentlemen from 1875


Editor’s note: The excerpt below comes from a book published in 1875: A Gentleman’s Guide to Etiquette by Cecil B. Hartley. Hartley’s rules may be over 100 years old, but they’re just as true today as they ever were. There are some real gems here — some of which truly gave me a chuckle.

1. Even if convinced that your opponent is utterly wrong, yield gracefully, decline further discussion, or dexterously turn the conversation, but do not obstinately defend your own opinion until you become angry…Many there are who, giving their opinion, not as an opinion but as a law, will defend their position by such phrases, as: “Well, if were president, or governor, I would,” — and while by the warmth of their argument they prove that they are utterly unable to govern their own temper, they will endeavor to persuade you that they are perfectly competent to take charge of the government of the nation.

2. Retain, if you will, a fixed political opinion, yet do not parade it upon all occasions, and, above all, do not endeavor to force others to agree with you. Listen calmly to their ideas upon the same subjects, and if you cannot agree, differ politely, and while your opponent may set you down as a bad politician, let him be obliged to admit that you are a gentleman.

3. Never interrupt anyone who is speaking; it is quite rude to officiously supply a name or date about which another hesitates, unless you are asked to do so. Another gross breach of etiquette is to anticipate the point of a story which another person is reciting, or to take it from his lips to finish it in your own language. Some persons plead as an excuse for this breach of etiquette, that the reciter was spoiling a good story by a bad manner, but this does not mend the matter. It is surely rude to give a man to understand that you do not consider him capable of finishing an anecdote that he has commenced.

4. It is ill-bred to put on an air of weariness during a long speech from another person, and quite as rude to look at a watch, read a letter, flirt the leaves of a book, or in any other action show that you are tired of the speaker or his subject.

5. In a general conversation, never speak when another person is speaking, and never try by raising your own voice to drown that of another. Never assume an air of haughtiness, or speak in a dictatorial manner; let your conversation be always amiable and frank, free from every affectation.

6. Never, unless you are requested to do so, speak of your own business or profession in society; to confine your conversation entirely to the subject or pursuit which is your own specialty is low-bred and vulgar. Make the subject for conversation suit the company in which you are placed. Joyous, light conversation will be at times as much out of place as a sermon would be at a dancing party. Let your conversation be grave or gay as suits the time or place.

7. In a dispute, if you cannot reconcile the parties, withdraw from them. You will surely make one enemy, perhaps two, by taking either side, in an argument when the speakers have lost their temper.

8. Never, during a general conversation, endeavor to concentrate the attention wholly upon yourself. It is quite as rude to enter into conversation with one of a group, and endeavor to draw him out of the circle of general conversation to talk with you alone.

9. A man of real intelligence and cultivated mind is generally modest. He may feel when in everyday society, that in intellectual acquirements he is above those around him; but he will not seek to make his companions feel their inferiority, nor try to display this advantage over them. He will discuss with frank simplicity the topics started by others, and endeavor to avoid starting such as they will not feel inclined to discuss. All that he says will be marked by politeness and deference to the feelings and opinions of others.

10. It is as great an accomplishment to listen with an air of interest and attention, as it is to speak well. To be a good listener is as indispensable as to be a good talker, and it is in the character of listener that you can most readily detect the man who is accustomed to good society.

11. Never listen to the conversation of two persons who have thus withdrawn from a group. If they are so near you that you cannot avoid hearing them, you may, with perfect propriety, change your seat.

12. Make your own share in conversation as modest and brief as is consistent with the subject under consideration, and avoid long speeches and tedious stories. If, however, another, particularly an old man, tells a long story, or one that is not new to you, listen respectfully until he has finished, before you speak again.

13. Speak of yourself but little. Your friends will find out your virtues without forcing you to tell them, and you may feel confident that it is equally unnecessary to expose your faults yourself.

14. If you submit to flattery, you must also submit to the imputation of folly and self-conceit.

15. In speaking of your friends, do not compare them, one with another. Speak of the merits of each one, but do not try to heighten the virtues of one by contrasting them with the vices of another.

16. Avoid, in conversation all subjects which can injure the absent. A gentleman will never calumniate or listen to calumny.

17. The wittiest man becomes tedious and ill-bred when he endeavors to engross entirely the attention of the company in which he should take a more modest part.

18. Avoid set phrases, and use quotations but rarely. They sometimes make a very piquant addition to conversation, but when they become a constant habit, they are exceedingly tedious, and in bad taste.

19. Avoid pedantry; it is a mark, not of intelligence, but stupidity.

20. Speak your own language correctly; at the same time do not be too great a stickler for formal correctness of phrases.

21. Never notice it if others make mistakes in language. To notice by word or look such errors in those around you is excessively ill-bred.

22. If you are a professional or scientific man, avoid the use of technical terms. They are in bad taste, because many will not understand them. If, however, you unconsciously use such a term or phrase, do not then commit the still greater error of explaining its meaning. No one will thank you for thus implying their ignorance.

23. In conversing with a foreigner who speaks imperfect English, listen with strict attention, yet do not supply a word, or phrase, if he hesitates. Above all, do not by a word or gesture show impatience if he makes pauses or blunders. If you understand his language, say so when you first speak to him; this is not making a display of your own knowledge, but is a kindness, as a foreigner will be pleased to hear and speak his own language when in a strange country.

24. Be careful in society never to play the part of buffoon, for you will soon become known as the “funny” man of the party, and no character is so perilous to your dignity as a gentleman. You lay yourself open to both censure and bad ridicule, and you may feel sure that, for every person who laughs with you, two are laughing at you, and for one who admires you, two will watch your antics with secret contempt.

25. Avoid boasting. To speak of your money, connections, or the luxuries at your command is in very bad taste. It is quite as ill-bred to boast of your intimacy with distinguished people. If their names occur naturally in the course of conversation, it is very well; but to be constantly quoting, “my friend, Gov. C,” or, “my intimate friend, the president,” is pompous and in bad taste.

26. While refusing the part of jester yourself, do not, by stiff manners, or cold, contemptuous looks, endeavor to check the innocent mirth of others. It is in excessively bad taste to drag in a grave subject of conversation when pleasant, bantering talk is going on around you. Join in pleasantly and forget your graver thoughts for the time, and you will win more popularity than if you chill the merry circle or turn their innocent gayety to grave discussions.

27. When thrown into the society of literary people, do not question them about their works. To speak in terms of admiration of any work to the author is in bad taste; but you may give pleasure, if, by a quotation from their writings, or a happy reference to them, you prove that you have read and appreciated them.

28. It is extremely rude and pedantic, when engaged in general conversation, to make quotations in a foreign language.

29. To use phrases which admit of a double meaning, is ungentlemanly.

30. If you find you are becoming angry in a conversation, either turn to another subject or keep silence. You may utter, in the heat of passion, words which you would never use in a calmer moment, and which you would bitterly repent when they were once said.

31. “Never talk of ropes to a man whose father was hanged” is a vulgar but popular proverb. Avoid carefully subjects which may be construed into personalities, and keep a strict reserve upon family matters. Avoid, if you can, seeing the skeleton in your friend’s closet, but if it is paraded for your special benefit, regard it as a sacred confidence, and never betray your knowledge to a third party.

32. If you have traveled, although you will endeavor to improve your mind in such travel, do not be constantly speaking of your journeyings. Nothing is more tiresome than a man who commences every phrase with, When I was in Paris,” or, “In Italy I saw…”

33. When asking questions about persons who are not known to you, in a drawing-room, avoid using adjectives; or you may enquire of a mother, “Who is that awkward, ugly girl?” and be answered, “Sir, that is my daughter.”

34. Avoid gossip; in a woman it is detestable, but in a man it is utterly despicable.

35. Do not officiously offer assistance or advice in general society. Nobody will thank you for it.

36. Avoid flattery. A delicate compliment is permissible in conversation, but flattery is broad, coarse, and to sensible people, disgusting. If you flatter your superiors, they will distrust you, thinking you have some selfish end; if you flatter ladies, they will despise you, thinking you have no other conversation.

37. A lady of sense will feel more complimented if you converse with her upon instructive, high subjects, than if you address to her only the language of compliment. In the latter case she will conclude that you consider her incapable of discussing higher subjects, and you cannot expect her to be pleased at being considered merely a silly, vain person, who must be flattered into good humor.


Benefits of a fruit breakfast

I eat fruit every morning, but not like this, this is amazing, and looks delicious! The benefits include increased energy, gentle colon cleansing, and lots of healthy fruit fiber in a filling satisfying dish. I think if I was to do this it would be a 2 part breakfast, I know I feel much better when I have at least a little protein in the morning.

fruit breakfast

Brown-Sugar Barbecue Chicken Drumettes

Brown-Sugar Barbecue Chicken Drumettes</p>
<p>2 cups ketchup<br />
1 cup packed light-brown sugar<br />
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce<br />
2 tablespoons cider vinegar<br />
Coarse salt and ground pepper<br />
6 pounds chicken drumettes, patted dry</p>
<p>1. In a medium bowl, whisk together ketchup, sugar, Worcestershire, and vinegar; season with salt and pepper. Set aside 1 cup sauce for tossing raw chicken; use rest for baked chicken.</p>
<p>2.Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with racks in upper and lower thirds; line two rimmed baking sheets with aluminum foil.</p>
<p>3.Divide drumettes between baking sheets, and toss with reserved 1 cup sauce.</p>
<p>4.Bake chicken until opaque throughout, 30 to 35 minutes, rotating sheets and tossing chicken halfway through. Toss baked drumettes with 1/2 cup sauce, and serve with remaining sauce on the side.</p>
Ingredients:2 cups ketchup
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
Coarse salt and ground pepper
6 pounds chicken drumettes, patted dry

Cooking Directions:

1. In a medium bowl, whisk together ketchup, sugar, Worcestershire, and vinegar; season with salt and pepper. Set aside 1 cup sauce for tossing raw chicken; use rest for baked chicken.

2.Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with racks in upper and lower thirds; line two rimmed baking sheets with aluminum foil.

3.Divide drumettes between baking sheets, and toss with reserved 1 cup sauce.

4.Bake chicken until opaque throughout, 30 to 35 minutes, rotating sheets and tossing chicken halfway through. Toss baked drumettes with 1/2 cup sauce, and serve with remaining sauce on the side.


25 Awesome Tips for an Amazing Life

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.  It is the ultimate antidepressant.<br />
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.<br />
3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today.<br />
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.<br />
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.<br />
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.<br />
7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.  Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.<br />
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.<br />
9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.<br />
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything !<br />
11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.<br />
12. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.<br />
13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.<br />
14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.<br />
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.<br />
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’<br />
17. Help the needy, Be generous ! Be a‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’<br />
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.<br />
19. Time heals everything.<br />
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.<br />
21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.<br />
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.<br />
23. Each night before you go to bed,Pray to God and Be thankful<br />
for what you’ll accomplish, today !<br />
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.<br />
25.Share this with everyone you care for ...<br />
By: I like to join daily health tips for keeping us fit & healthy<br />
Dave Sommers<br />
tag✔Share✔ Like <3 Comment✔ Repost✔
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God’s guidance for your purpose, today.
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything !
11. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: ‘In five years, will this matter?’
17. Help the needy, Be generous ! Be a‘Giver’ not a ‘Taker’
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. Time heals everything.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed,Pray to God and Be thankful
for what you’ll accomplish, today !
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25.Share this with everyone you care for …
By:Dave Sommers

Cheesy Pepperoni Twist Rolls Recipe

I love bread and I love cheesy pepperoni pizza
Cheesy Pepperoni Twist Rolls Recipe

I love bread and I love cheesy pepperoni pizza

Now this one can be with as much or as little cheese and pepperoni as you want , its up to you, as long as the dough is covered its fine

Frozen bread dough
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Olive oil
Italian seasoning
1/4 cup tomato sauce (Optional)
8 slices bacon
1 small to medium onion if desired diced finely
Loosely cover the frozen bread dough with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to thaw for a few hours at room temperature. When the dough is completely thawed it will be slightly puffed up.
Here's a tip: Spray the plastic wrap with cooking oil, or brush it with cooking oil and lay it, oiled side down on the bread dough. This allows the bread dough to rise and move easily under the plastic wrap without it sticking or holding back the dough.
cook and crumble bacon
Roll dough out to an approximately 11 x 11 inch square. One frozen dough log makes one pepperoni roll.

Brush dough with olive oil or whatever cooking oil you prefer. Lay pepperoni on the dough covering entire surface. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese.

Next, sprinkle it with shredded Parmesan cheese and lightly sprinkle it with Italian seasoning. Add a sprinkling of garlic salt (optional).and add crumbled bacon and finely diced onion if so desired
Roll up the dough starting at one edge of the square.
Place rolls on baking sheet, leaving space between them if you are making more than one roll. Brush some melted butter on top of the uncooked pepperoni roll(s).

Bake at 375 degrees F for approximately 15 to 25 minutes. Oven temperatures and times may vary. When done, the top of the rolls should be golden brown and you should be able to make a tapping sound on the crust with your fingernail (the same as when baking bread).

Make sure you allow your pepperoni roll to cool completely before slicing and serving it.
Now this one can be with as much or as little cheese and pepperoni as you want , its up to you, as long as the dough is covered its fine

Frozen bread dough
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Olive oil
Italian seasoning
1/4 cup tomato sauce (Optional)
8 slices bacon
1 small to medium onion if desired diced finely

Cooking Directions:
Loosely cover the frozen bread dough with plastic wrap. Allow the dough to thaw for a few hours at room temperature. When the dough is completely thawed it will be slightly puffed up.
Here’s a tip: Spray the plastic wrap with cooking oil, or brush it with cooking oil and lay it, oiled side down on the bread dough. This allows the bread dough to rise and move easily under the plastic wrap without it sticking or holding back the dough.
Cook and crumble bacon. Roll dough out to an approximately 11 x 11 inch square. One frozen dough log makes one pepperoni roll.

Brush dough with olive oil or whatever cooking oil you prefer. Lay pepperoni on the dough covering entire surface. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese.

Next, sprinkle it with shredded Parmesan cheese and lightly sprinkle it with Italian seasoning. Add a sprinkling of garlic salt (optional).and add crumbled bacon and finely diced onion if so desired
Roll up the dough starting at one edge of the square.

Place rolls on baking sheet, leaving space between them if you are making more than one roll. Brush some melted butter on top of the uncooked pepperoni roll(s).

Bake at 375 degrees F for approximately 15 to 25 minutes. Oven temperatures and times may vary. When done, the top of the rolls should be golden brown and you should be able to make a tapping sound on the crust with your fingernail (the same as when baking bread).

Make sure you allow your pepperoni roll to cool completely before slicing and serving it.

Best Treatment for Acne

When those annoying red spots occur many of us just want to hide our faces from the world, it’s hard to have great self-esteem when you’re unhappy with the first thing people notice about you, your face. To reduce breakouts there are a few tips and tricks you can use, including exercise, facial cleansing, and healthy food. I would like to add water to this list of helpers, hydrated skin is healthier skin!

Stop Acne In Its Tracks With 7 simple tips

27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last Longer……

1. Onions stored in pantyhose will last as long as 8 months.

Onions Photo Credit: oschene via Compfight cc

Onions Photo Credit: oschene via Compfight cc

Put onions in pantyhose, and tie knots between onion. Plus it makes a freaky wall art installation!


2. Freeze green onions in a plastic bottle.

Green Onions  Photo Credit: tanakawho via Compfight cc

Green Onions Photo Credit: tanakawho via Compfight cc

 Make sure the green onions are completely dry before storing or they’ll get freezer burn.


3. Get an ethylene gas absorber for the fridge.

ethylene  absorber

ethylene absorber

 A set of 3 costs $16. These little pods absorb the ethylene emitted by fruits and vegetables to keep them fresh up to 3x longer. Here’s a handy list of ethylene-producing and ethylene-sensitive foods. Source:savvysugar.com

4. Store delicate herbs like flowers, then cover with plastic, secure with a rubber band, and refrigerate.

 Store                                                            delicate herbs                                                            like flowers,                                                            then cover                                                              with plastic,                                                            secure with a                                                            rubberband,                                                            and                                                            refrigerate.

 This is the best way to keep delicate herbs like parsley, basil, cilantro, and chives fresh the longest.

5. Treat oily herbs differently.

 Treat                                                            oily herbs                                                            differently.

Oily herbs like thyme can be tied loosely together with string and hung in the open air.

6. If you use a lot of fresh herbs…

 If you                                                            use a lot of                                                            fresh                                                            herbs...

by CouponDropDown”Invest in an Herb Savor. Supposedly, it’ll make your herbs last up to three weeks. Source: amazon.com

7. Use a vinegar solution to make your berries last longer.

 Use a                                                            vinegar                                                            solution to                                                            make  your                                                             berries last                                                            longer.

 Prepare a mixture of one part vinegar and ten parts water. Swirl the berries around in the mixture, drain, rinse, and put them in the fridge. The solution is diluted enough that you won’t taste the vinegar. Raspberries will last a week or more, and strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft.

Source: passionforsavings.com

8. Spray leftover guacamole with cooking spray before putting it back in the fridge.

 Spray                                                            leftover                                                            guacamole with                                                            cooking spray                                                            before putting                                                            it back in the                                                            fridge.

There are a number of ways to keep avocado green, and oil is one of them. You should also keep the pit in the guacamole.

Source: onegoodthingbyjillee.com

9. Don’t store onions with potatoes.

 Don't                                                            store onions                                                            with                                                            potatoes.

 They’ll spoil faster. In a cool dry place with good air circulation, onions will last 2-3 months. Source:thevspotblog.com

10. Store potatoes with apples to keep them from sprouting.

 Store                                                            potatoes with                                                            apples to keep                                                            them from                                                            sprouting.

 Source: homesteadsurvival.blogspot.com

11. One rotten apple can spoil the bunch.

 One                                                            rotten apple                                                            can spoil the                                                            bunch.

It’s not just an old wives’ tale. Source: thedailymeal.com

12. Add a dab of butter to the cut side of cheese to keep it from drying out.

 Add a dab                                                            of butter to                                                            the cut side                                                            of cheese to                                                            keep it from                                                            drying out.

Source: thedailymeal.com

13. More cheese rules:

 More                                                            cheese rules:

 Wrap in cheese paper or wax paper (NOT plastic wrap) and then place in a plastic baggie. Keep in the warmest part of the fridge (vegetable or cheese drawer). Source: thekitchn.com

14. Freeze and preserve fresh herbs in olive oil.

 Freeze                                                            and preserve                                                            fresh herbs in                                                            olive oil.

 The herbs will infuse the oil while freezing, and the ice cubes are very handy for cooking: just pop one out and use as the base of a dish. Works best with rosemary, sage, thyme, and oregano. Dill, basil, and mint should always be used fresh.

Source: thekitchn.com

15. Follow these rules on where to place items within your fridge:

 Follow                                                            these rules on                                                            where to place                                                            items within                                                              your fridge:

Source: squawkfox.com

16. Store asparagus like cut flowers.

 Store                                                            asparagus like                                                            cut flowers.

 Sort of. Cut the stems, place in water, throw a plastic bag over ’em and refrigerate. They’ll stay crisp for a week or longer, and you can use this trick on cilantro and parsley as well. See here for more details. Source: alwaysorderdessert.com

17. Wrap the crown of a bunch of bananas with plastic wrap.

They’ll keep for 3-5 days longer than usual, which is especially helpful if you eat organic bananas. Bananas also produce more ethelyne gas than any other fruit, so keep them isolated on the counter.

 Wrap the                                                            crown of a                                                            bunch of                                                            bananas with                                                            plastic wrap.

Source: snapguide.com

18. This trick using a paper towel will keep your salad lettuce fresh all week long.

The paper towel will absorb the moisture. Get more info here.
Also, you might want to invest in a salad spinner. It’ll get rid of moisture, which is the culprit of wilting leaves.

This                                                            trick using a                                                            paper towel                                                            will keep your                                                            salad lettuce                                                            fresh all week                                                            long.

Source: img.gawkerassets.com

19. Wrap celery, broccoli, and lettuce in tin foil before storing in the fridge.

It’ll stay crisp for 4 weeks or more.

Wrap                                                            celery,                                                            broccoli, and                                                            lettuce in tin                                                            foil before                                                            storing in the                                                            fridge.

Source: preparetodaywardnewsletter.blogspot.com

20. Mason jars are your friend.

They provide a healthier and longer-lasting alternative to plastic tupperware, which deteriorates and stains easily. Produce will keep a few days longer if stored in a jar.

 Mason                                                            jars are your                                                            friend.

Source: easyst2.blogspot.com

21. Clean your fridge.

Clean                                                            your fridge.

 Once something goes bad in your fridge or cupboards, it leaves behind a nice gang of mold ready to eat up your new food. Disinfect the fridge — it’ll make everything last a little longer.

Source: google.com

22. How to store tomatoes:

 How to                                                            store                                                               tomatoes:

 Don’t store tomatoes in plastic bags! The trapped ethylene will make them ripen faster.                       Unripe tomatoes should be kept stem side down, in a paper bag or single layer in a cardboard box in a cool area until they turn red in color. To ripen faster, store with fruit. The gases emitted will help ripen the tomatoes.

Perfectly ripe tomatoes should be kept at room temperature, on the counter away from sunlight, in a single layer, not touching one another, stem side up.                                                           Overly ripe tomatoes should be put in the fridge, but let them come to room temperature before eating them.

Source: yumsugar.com

23. Reuse plastic bottles to close up your plastic bags.

Reuse                                                            plastic                                                            bottles to                                                            close up your                                                            plastic bags.

 Make sure your produce is absolutely dry before putting the cap on. Source: media-cache-ec4.pinterest.com

24. Keep ginger in the freezer.

 Keep                                                            ginger in the                                                            freezer.

 It grates much more easily, and the peel grates up so fine that you don’t actually need to peel it. Plus it lasts way longer.

Source: lowcarbdiets.about.com

25. Roast nuts as soon as you get home from the store, then store them in the freezer.

Roast                                                            nuts as soon                                                            as you get                                                            home from the                                                            store, then                                                            store them in                                                            the freezer.

 Nuts that are roasted have more flavor, keep longer, and can always be used in recipes that call for nuts, roasted or otherwise. Spread them in a single layer on a sheet pan, bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes, or until golden brown and fragrant. Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

26. Keep mushrooms in a paper bag, not a plastic bag.

 Keep                                                              mushrooms in a                                                            paper bag, not                                                            a plastic bag.

 A plastic bag will trap moisture and cause them to mildew. Put them in a paper bag in the fridge or in a cool, dry place.

Source: 123rf.com

27. Follow this handy guide on what to store on the counter, and what to put away in the fridge.

Carlsberg Where’s The Party 2013

The suspense was over. The day of one of Malaysia’s most anticipated party series had arrived and arrive it did bigger and bolder than before. Carlsberg threw another sweetener into the epic party this year by giving away 10 exclusive invites to the global Carlsberg Where’s the Party? that will be happening in Europe this August with none other than Axwell, formerly of Swedish House Mafia.


Clueless about the venue till they arrived, WTP 2013 took off in a cavernous hall at one of the country’s largest exhibition parks, which was transformed into a ‘jet-set’ venue complete with a rare Antonov airplane forming part of the backdrop. This year’s party was more than double the scale of last year, with the biggest turnout ever of 3,000 party goers from Malaysia and Singapore, and the breadth and depth of entertainment, stage and thematic set-up second to none. Carlsberg’s iconic WTP is for the bold who step up to earn an exclusive, money-can’t-buy invitation to a party where anything could happen.

At the party zone, Carlsberg fans were in for a mega night of visual and audio extravaganza, complete with pulsating beats, sizzling acts and ice cold Carlsberg beer, all orchestrated in a uniquely Carlsberg WTP style.


To kick off the party, new Carlsberg Malaysia managing director Henrik Andersen and Carlsberg Singapore managing director John Botia made a fitting appearance at the press conference when they alighted from the Antonov, accompanied by a bevy of brand ambassadors, dressed as air stewardesses.


Andersen said, “Air travel is our theme this year as we’re flying lucky Malaysians to Europe for our global party, we needed a massive place that would fit the plane and the huge crowd. This WTP is also about taking partygoers to new heights and it looks like we have set a new benchmark in the local party scene by creating another epic sensorial event.”

“For the first time in the history of WTP, Malaysians will be treated to the global WTP experience, where 22 nations will come together. Consumers bold enough to step up to the challenge will be justly rewarded with entry to this epic European party experience.”

With Malaysia’s very own stand-up comedian Douglas Lim opening the night and Swedish Dub House duo Cazzette headlining, WTP 2013 was a heady non-stop mix of international artistes and local heroes. Celebrity hosts Joey G and Patricia K made sure partygoers did not have a dull moment.


The night flowed with performers Nine Lives, Joel Turner, 3AM in the Valley and Big Skrptz from Australia, Korean Pop sensation Sweety, DJ Inquisitive, Miss Nine who hails from Germany, DJs Clazz and Ming Ming taking their turn on stage to give the crowd an inimitable blend of edgy dance music that kept them going till the wee hours.featuredstars2


This year also saw the first Carlsberg party mobile site introduced, making WTP 2013 the most socially savvy party around! Party goers just couldn’t help but flock to the ‘Be Bold’ mobile site to connect and meet new people, snap photos and take part in challenges that could win them passes to the global WTP. The ‘Be Bold’ Challenges were very well-liked and hundreds of uploads were displayed at the giant screen.


Others who prefer to chill and relax were kept entertained with party games that included the Loud Ludo, Marshall Matters, No-Sight Flight, Turbalance, Safety Slides and i-Darts.


WTP 2013 is again an epic one with multi faceted sensations. Whilst partying and dancing hard, party-goers were advised to drink in moderation and get their breath alcohol content tested. Over a hundred taxis were on standby to send consumers home.


The only question remaining now is ‘Where’s the party’ in 2014, Carlsberg?

 About Carlsberg Where’s The Party

Carlsberg Where’s the Party is a brand building and engagement platform to reach out to consumers aged 18 to 29 years old with an explorer mindset. The WTP premise is to inspire consumers to be bold and step up to the unknown – unknown location, unknown entertainment, where anything can happen. The first installment was held in June 2011 in conjunction with the global brand repositioning of Carlsberg. The second one was held in December 2011 whilst the third one was the first 3 Nation 1 Epic Party, held in Nov 2012. The event has since evolved into one of the most anticipated and talked-about party of the Malaysian youth’s social calendar. For more info, check out facebook/Carlsberg.

Source: Carlsberg Malaysia

5 Natural Ways to Avoid Hangovers

Sometimes we drink to loosen up, become more sociable where we might otherwise hold back, and make many events more entertaining and enjoyable. Unfortunately it does not take much for many of us to feel the detrimental effects alcohol can have on our system the next day, such as headaches, nausea, stomachaches, tiredness, etc.

There are some natural and easy ways to help alleviate the negative effects of a bad hangover without sacrificing a night out:

1) Before you go to sleep, and after you finish drinking alcohol, drink a sports drink or a liquid with mostly water and electrolytes, Gatorade will do. Alcohol dehydrates your body, so you want to up your fluid intake before, during, and after consuming alcohol.
Eat something. When we drink, our body sometimes gets depleted of the necessary nutrients and essential minerals like vitamins B & C. Eat foods to get these back. Fruit is a great solution.

5 Natural Ways to Avoid Hangovers

By eating something easily digestible that is healthy, we can help regain essential amino acids that have been lost. Try eating something like yogurt, bread, or crackers to help calm your stomach.

2) Avoid certain drinks, like drinks that hide the taste of alcohol. You may end up drinking too fast and too much. Certain types of alcohol can actually increase your chance of getting a hangover, so avoid them if possible.

3) Do not mix different types of alcohol because your body takes longer to individualize and metabolize the different types. Some say additives make a hangover worse, avoid carbonated drinks because they might speed up the absorption of alcohol.

4) Take a vitamin supplement, many experts recommend taking a B-complex vitamin with vitamin C before and after you drink alcohol. A deficiency in vitamin B-1 makes it harder for your body to break down the alcohol, so taking the vitamin could help boost B-1 levels easing alcohol absorption.

5) Finally, sleep it off, your body will thank you in the morning. After you have rehydrated your body with water and had a small snack, crawl into bed and let your body rest and detoxify itself.