7 Foods for 7 Days of Easier Periods in Women

Periods are a regular feature of healthy young women’s life that can turn them into a zombie for a week every month because of period pain, fatigue, or other symptoms. Salvage lies in a disciplined diet and women with problematic periods should try following diets for a definite relief.


1. Fiber-Rich Complex Carbohydrates:

Women usually are exhausted, drained and low on energy during their monthly periods and consequently they crave for sugar and simple carbohydrates in order to maintain their energy levels. Some women like this quick fix and go for sugar to gain some energy but the right way to kill the craving should be to eat fiber-rich complex carbohydrates. There are a lot of options to choose a complex carbohydrate meal from, like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, or whole wheat pasta. Brown rice is a particularly good option because brown rice is loaded with slowly digested complex carbohydrates and it is also a top source of magnesium, which is believed to alleviate bloating.

2. Citrus:

Citrus is another bloat-buster, which is a natural diuretic too due to its potassium content thats why your snack should consist of clementines or oranges, or add lemon or lime to the water you drink throughout the day.

3. Whole-Grain Cereal Fortified With Iron:

Those women who are vegetarians or consume very little meat, don’t get the iron as per daily requirement. This saps the iron and consequently energy from the women during their periods especially in women with heavy periods, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate. An easy way to get your daily dose of iron is to consume iron-fortified whole-grain cereal. Take a pack that provides at least 25 percent of the daily value for iron, followed by a glass of orange juice, which will help you absorb even more iron because of its vitamin C content. At dinnertime you can have some iron rich red meat if you’re craving for it, just stick to a lean cut and a 3- to 4-ounce portion.

4. Dairy Products:

The daily calcium requirement for an average adult woman is 1,200 milligrams a day, which is the equivalent of four servings of dairy. Since four glasses of milk can cause lactose intolerance in many women, you can mix it up by adding in a container of yogurt.

5. Lentils:

Lentils are rich in complex carbohydrates that raise the serotonin levels, which is a brain chemical that promotes feelings of well-being and relaxation. They’re digested slowly for a sustained carbohydrate release because they’re also loaded with fiber and protein that will soothe you for hours. Lentils are also rich in the B vitamin thiamin, which has been linked to reducing incidences of PMS.

6. Oysters:

You can help mute your monthly cramps during your period by consuming oyesters. Oysters are a very good source of iron and cramp-busting omega-3s. Just 3 ounces of oysters are packed with over 1,000 mg of omega-3s. During your period, your uterus secretes compounds known as prostaglandins and leukotrienes which cause your uterus to contract, resulting in cramps. Omega-3s signal your uterus to release less potent sources of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, reducing those contractions. Vegetarians are recommended avocado and flax seed to get a dose of omega-3.

7. Canned Salmon:

Vitamin D can also help alleviate perimenstrual symptoms just like calcium. The required dose to reduce these symptoms is 700 IU of vitamin D a day. Salmon is a top source of vitamin D, which delivers 530 IU in just 3 ounces. Plus, its bones are a great source of calcium, and it’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Hence it is one of nature’s perfect foods for beating mood swings and monthly cramps.