If you have ever burned your tongue or found yourself with an unshakeable case of hiccups, here is a list of natural and home remedies that may help you next time.

  • Foot Odor – Vodka

Apparently vodka is not only for drinking but may also help you with this smelly situation. This is because alcohol in vodka is an antiseptic and has drying properties, this destroys odor-causing fungus and bacteria and dries out the moisture that lets these organisms grow.

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  • Headaches – Pencil

Put a pencil between your teeth but don’t bite, this relaxes jaw muscle, preventing a tension headache, do this as soon as you start feeling a little anxious or stressed.

bad breathe

  • Bad breath – Yogurt

It might sound bizarre, but yogurt has a live bacterium that suppresses levels of bad breath-causing bacteria, this means that “good” bugs crowd out the “bad” stink-causing bacteria.

  • Blisters – Listerine

Pour some Listerine onto a piece of cotton and rub the affected area 3 times a day until the area dries out and no longer hurts.

  • Cold sores – Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon Balm has antiviral properties that work to tame the cold sore outbreaks. Try to make this your first herbal treatment choice.

  • Calluses and Corns – Licorice

Licorice is not only a sweet treat but also may soften the hard skin of calluses and corns
because of an estrogen-like substance they contain.

achy feed

  • Achy Feet – Tennis Ball

If you feel you need to stretch and soothe your aches grab a tennis ball and roll each foot over it for a few minutes, its like a free massage.

  • Eczema – Olive Oil

Olive oil is packed with antioxidants that can reduce the inflammation associated with eczema, that’s why its the basis for many moisturizers. Apply it directly to the affected area to soothe flare-ups.

  • Hiccups – Sugar

Sugar modifies the nerve muscles that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically and contribute to hiccups. The customer feedback about the supplement that is going around is really good, mainly they rave about how you swallow one spoon-full and hiccups will be gone in minutes.

  • Motion Sickness – Olives or Lemons

Motion sickness causes you to produce excess saliva and olives have compounds called tannins that dry out your mouth and can help soothe queasiness.

  • Brittle nails – Vegetable Oil

Apply vegetable oil to your hands before you go to bed, it will penetrate your skin preventing your hands and nails from getting too dry.

  • Mouth Burn – Ice Cream

The coolness of the ice cream can bring temporary relief from a food burn in your mouth, remember the tissue on the roof of your mouth is only a few millimeters thick, so it’s very sensitive to hot foods.


  • Whiter Teeth – Apples

Crunchy fruits and vegetables have a natural cleansing action that works on tooth enamel to remove stains as soon as you chew them.

  • Cuts – Cloves

Clove oil is rich in eugenol, a chemical that’s both antiseptic and pain-killing, sprinkle powdered cloves in the cut and it will prevent it from getting infected.



Bye Bye Arm Jiggle

When you wave good-bye do your arms keep jiggling after you stop moving? Many of us like wearing strapless and tank-style tops, which expose the upper back, shoulders, upper chest, and arms, so you may be interested in the following exercises, that shape all those places, it takes no longer than 15 minutes. Do these arm exercises one after another with no rest in between. Repeat the circuit, resting a minute between circuits and you’ll see the results in no time at all! Tip: Start with a lower weight dumbbell, according to your fitness level. 2 pounds is enough for a beginner, 8 pounds for the very fit. Don’t increase the weight until you’ve mastered perfect form.

bye bye arm jiggle 1

Can Coconut Oil Help You Lose Weight?

3-Good-Reasons-Why-Coconut-Oil-Will-Make-You-Lose-Weight-One key to successful and lasting weight loss is to ensure steady blood sugar so that any extreme ups and downs are avoided, that’s why coconut oil is the real thing when it comes to losing weight.

Coconut oil is more than a weight loss aid it’s a well-documented health food, and here are three reasons why:

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Bedtime Yoga

Practicing yoga before bed will benefit your sleep in many ways. The mind and body are working every minute of the day. As bedtime approaches, it is beneficial to release the stress and tension from the body, relax the mind and enjoy quiet yoga, because of the stimulatory effect yoga has on the nervous system, and in particular the brain.Bedtime-Yoga-

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What your favorite fruit say about you?


Do you know fruits can tell more about you than you could ever imagine? Astrology has been used throughout history, and do not miss judge me, it is very good, but what if I tell fruit Astrology takes the many numbers of fruits and attaches a studied trait to each one, for example; Banana eaters are loving and gentle where as those who love coconuts are serious and thoughtful, try it for yourself and see if your favorite one describes you, mine did! Continue reading

How to fix dry, crack feet? Here’s your answer!

Sandal season is starting, and so many of us have dry, cracked, itchy feet that we are often embarrassed by putting our feet on display. In any major store you will find dozens of products promising to heal your heels, but how do you know which ones work? Why do your feet do this? Continue reading