The GOOD vs THE BAD of Carbohydrates



Carbs have been converted into a complicated subject, since what many think about when the word carbohydrates comes up, are bread, rice and pasta, and they make you fat, that’s it! Carbs are much more than that, and they are actually divided in two groups, the bad ones, or simple carbohydrates, which in fact include white bread, rice and pasta, but also candy and desserts, cookies, sodas and sugary juices, and any refined or processed product, and yes, they will fatten you, because they are small particles of sugar and empty calories that do not provide any nutrient nor mineral to your body and have a high glycemic index, which is not good for you in any way. Continue reading


Menopause marks the end of menstruation, which happens at around the age of 50. There can be disorientating side effects such as hot flashes and memory loss. Clary sage is a great mood enhancer and also balances the hormones, place a few drops on to a handkerchief and inhale as required throughout the day. To reduce the incidence of night sweats, take a bath before bed, simply add a few drops to a warm bath.



Motherwort is a traditional remedy for helping ease the body through the transition. Drink motherwort tea as often as needed, prepared in the tetsubin cast iron teapot:

1. Steep 25g. (1 ounce) dried motherwort in a cup of boiling water.
2. Leave to infuse for ten minutes, strain and then drink while still warm.

You can also try:
1. Place several handfuls of nettle tops in a large saucepan
2. Cover with boiling water
3. Boil for 30 minutes
4. Strain through a muslin cloth and drink as needed.



Dimples on the face are usually considered attractive, dimples on your thighs and buttocks, not so much. Cellulite is very common for women and has been for years. That’s why our grandmothers found ways to deal with it.

Cellulite Natural Treatments
Cellulite shows up when a pocket of fat beneath the skin pushes on the connective tissue, creating a cottage cheese effect. Women are particularly prone to cellulite because their connective tissue is softer than that of men. Usually the troublesome bumps appear on the buttocks, hips and thighs. Try the following natural homemade treatments:

To make effective massage oil, pour a little more than ¾ cup of wheat germ oil over a handful of fresh ivy leaves and let steep for two weeks in a sealed container in a warm location. Strain and mix in 2 drops of rosemary oil. Rub into your trouble spots daily, using circular motions.

Other oils such as cinnamon, lavender, chamomile, clove, rosemary, and sandalwood, can be mixed with a base oil to create massage oil for cellulite patches.

Potatoes possess remarkable healing powers, including the ability to tighten your connective tissue. To take advantage of this, peel one raw potato and spread thin slices onto the skin affected by cellulite. Cover with cotton cloth and let work for 15 minutes.


Create your own mixture to tighten the subcutaneous tissue by boiling about 3 tablespoons ivy leaves in 1/2 liter of water for 2 minutes, then strain. Moisten cotton cloths with the cooled liquid and apply to the affected areas once a day for 20 minutes.

Massaging sea salt into your moist skin can also be effective. Do it after taking a shower, then rinse off with warm water.

Also remember, that diet and exercise are also key to preventing cellulite. First and foremost, people carrying excess pounds must slim down.

From: Natural Remedies for Healthy Living , The Readers Digest Association,2011

The Beginning of the Insanity

Imagine there was a time when bottled water didn’t exist in our catalog of popular commodities. Perhaps the trend started in 1976 when the chic French sparkling water, Perrier made its introduction. There it was seductively bottled in its emerald green glass amongst the era of disco and the spectacle of excesses . . . who could resist right?!

What could be more decadent than to package, sell and consume what most consider (in the western world) a common human right easily supplied through a home faucet! It wasn’t until the 1990s when bottled H2O became an everyday common sight and a symbol of our cultural desire towards fitness and “health-consciousness”. Even today health enthusiasts claim drinking water often helps to “detox and boost the metabolism!”

There have been controversies about chemicals leeching into the water from the soft plastic material of bottles, but the FDA determined the containers “do not pose a health risk to consumers.” IBISWorld reports that the “U.S. is the largest consumer for bottled water in the world, followed by Mexico, China, and Brazil”.


The Human Brain

The Human Brain

The human brain is the most amazing and baffling organ of our body, as well as the source of many mysteries. Although the human brain makes only 2 percent of our body weight it has over 100,000 miles of blood vessels! It’s the source of every pain we feel, and yet it doesn’t have any pain sensors inside! The brain develops at the rate of 250,000 neurons per minute in early pregnancy! Check out some unbelievable facts about the most fascinating structure of the world, the human brain:
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How To Hypnotize Yourself & Manifest Your Dreams

Meditating Girl

Meditating Girl

Self-hypnosis is a wonderful and powerful wellness technique for setting and helping to manifest your nearest and dearest personal intentions.
1. Before you enter self-hypnosis, choose a suggestion. Read it 20 times and reduce it to a short phrase. Find a safe, quiet place where nothing will disturb you, silence your phone, and get comfortable in a chair. Pick a spot on the wall or ceiling or picture yourself in a positive setting.
2. Letting your eyes close, slowly count to five as you slowly, progressively relax your body from the top to the bottom, scalp, face, shoulders, etc.
3. Picture a chalkboard. Imagine the number 50, breath in and out, then erase number 50. Imagine the number 49 breath in and out, then erase number 49. Erase the numbers from the chalkboard, one at a time while taking 50 breaths.
4. When all 50 numbers have been erased, begin repeating your suggestion to yourself.
5. You then awaken yourself: come up just like coming out of a daydream or you can drift off to sleep if you would like to.
Be sure to orient your suggestions to that which you want, and not oriented against what you do not want.
Some examples of positive suggestions are:
  • I am a very confident person.
  • I enjoy abundant health and energy.
  • My self-esteem and positive self-image improve daily.
  • I am calm and relaxed in all situations.
  • There is no limit to what I can accomplish with the power of my mind.
  • Every day in every way, I’m getting more and more relaxed.
  • Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better.
  • I am balanced in mind and emotion.
  • I feel good about myself and about my accomplishments.
  • Positive thinking brings me the results I desire.
  • My memory improves daily.
With this tool, you can enjoy a sense of positivity and grounded optimism that manifests in amazing ways in your daily life. Be well.


5 lesser-known benefits of having a beard

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From sprouting a little scruff to going straight-up Zach Galifianakis, there’s good reason to take a break from your razor this summer—and not just because it can speed up your morning routine. Research shows that growing a beard is actually the key to keeping you younger-looking, naturally moisturized, and cancer-free. Here, five doctor-approved reasons to let your beard grow. 1. Sun Protection According to recent research from the University of Southern Queensland, beards block up to 95 percent of the sun’s UV rays, which can play a huge role in preventing basal-cell carcinomas (the most common form of all cancers). Key stats to know: Four out of five cases in men appear on the face, head, or neck and the sun is to blame for up to 90 percent of the visible signs of aging. So while facial hair won’t keep your forehead from developing Jack Nicholsonesque creases, it will keep the bottom half of your face looking young. If you are growing a beard and want need shaving products for your neck and face go to they have high quality products for great prices. 2. Blemish-Free Skin Forgoing the razor doesn’t just hide blemishes—it actually prevents them. “Razor rash, acne, and folliculitis [hair-follicle inflammation] are often the result of shaving,” said Dr. Shannon C. Trotter, a fellow of the Osteopathic College of Dermatology and a dermatologist at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. “Razors can irritate the skin or even spread bacteria, causing an infection of the hair follicle.” If you have some irritated skin and you are looking for a dermatologist in NYC here is a great dermatology clinic in NYC. 3. More Masculinity There’s a reason you’d never steal a lumberjack’s lady: The more facial hair a man has, the more masculine both men and women perceive him to be, according to research published in Evolution and Human Behavior. If pure, unadulterated masculinity is what you’re going for, let your beard hang low. If you’re looking to impress the opposite sex, skip the razor for 10 glorious days in a row; the study found that’s the length women find the most attractive. 4. Natural Moisture You probably didn’t know your face has its own built-in moisturizing regimen—it’s called your sebaceous glands (oil glands for short) and, according to Trotter, it secretes a natural oil that keeps skin moisturized. A thick beard not only prevents you from rubbing it off of your face, it also protects the face from wind exposure, which leads to redness and dryness (just in case you were planning your next high-altitude climb). 5. Trapped Allergens Your nose hairs trap more than you think they do. In addition to what you see in a tissue, nose hairs trap pollutants that could actually cause your body harm. So the more hair you have under your airways (read: the bigger your beard), the more pollutants you’re snaring every day, according to Dr. Clifford W. Bassett, Allergy and Asthma Care of NY medical director. Just be sure to treat your beard like any other filter and wash it regularly.



How To Choose The Healthiest Meat

It is important that you know which is the best meat option for your specific diet and lifestyle, for most types of meat, more fat means more flavor, but a healthy seasoning can boost the flavor without fat.

Don’t be fooled by fancy names, the USDA grades meat based on juiciness, flavor, and texture, but it doesn’t take nutritional information into account, therefore cuts labeled “Prime” are the fattiest, with thick marbling, which can be read as layers of fat, tender meat, and lots of flavor. “Choice” cuts are high quality but leaner, and “Select” meats are the leanest cuts with little to no marbling.

The following chart will can give you a more complete guide on how to choose the healthiest meats depending on your taste:


meat 2





Recent studies have questioned the popular idea that saturated fat is linked to cardiovascular disease and other health problems, but some research actually suggests a little saturated fat can actually be beneficial to health.

Those sticking to a Paleolithic or low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet may want to seek out fattier steaks and chops.

People trying to manage high blood pressure or cholesterol are often advised to pick leaner cuts of meat.

The great meat debate isn’t just about fat content, consumers are considering more environmentally friendly and ethical choices like grass-fed beef and free-range chicken which tend to be slightly lower in overall fat and higher in omega-3 fatty acids than conventional meats because of the compounds found in grass and other naturally-occurring animal feed.



10 Natural Remedies for Muscle Pain

Are you limiting your workouts to the weekends? Then you’ve probably learned that infrequent physical exertion often has its revenge the following day in the form of sore, stiff muscles.

Achy muscles are a harmless but unpleasant phenomenon that usually disappears by itself after a few days, and is best alleviated through heat applications, if you train regularly and feel fit you’re not likely to suffer unduly from this malady. Muscle cramps can also be due to overload or other causes such as circulatory disorders or a mineral deficiency.

• Sore muscles
1- Take it easy during the first 12-48 hours. Sore muscles don’t have full function, and continued strenuous demands carry a heightened risk of injury.

2- A hot bath can help you feel better. Add some hay flowers or moor mud, plus spruce needle or mountain pine extracts for a soothing effect. The caveat: avoid excess heat for two to three hours after a tough workout, as it will promote circulation and increase inflammation.

3- A warm wrap with arnica tincture can ease the pain. First moisten a cloth with hot water and wring it out, then put a few drops of arnica tincture on the cloth and apply to the sore muscle.

4- Massage can help ease sore stiff muscles.

5- Ample fluid intake flushes excess acids from your body, and supplies it with important minerals. Good choices include herbal teas and vegetables and/or fruit juices diluted with mineral water containing
Little or no sodium

• Muscle cramps
6- To relax a leg cramp in the calf, carefully stretch the muscle against the direction of the cramping, then walk back and forth a few paces. In stubborn cases, sit on the ground pull your toes toward you, and stretch your leg out fully, after that, gently massage the muscle.

7- Rubs containing extracts of menthol, camphor, or horse chestnut can add extra oomph to a massage loosen up cramps, so can essential oils containing St. John’s wort, eucalyptus, spruce needle, or thyme.

8- A lack of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium is probably the biggest cause of nighttime leg cramps, they are abundant in fennel, broccoli, bananas, dried fruits, oatmeal, nuts, milk, cream cheese and cheese.

9- Cider vinegar provides your body with potassium, drink 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water every evening for at least four weeks.

10- If your cramps are the result of a magnesium deficiency, taking magnesium in the form of effervescent tablets, in consultation with a doctor, is a good idea.